Class: SignalKPlugin

SignalKPlugin(app, id, name, description)

Base class for creating a SignalK Node Server plugin. This class provides basic behaviors desireable to all plugins.


new SignalKPlugin(app, id, name, description)

Constuctor for the base SignalK Plugin class. This may be called the normal way by using parameter positions to specify the plugin definition, or alternatively using a pseudo 'call by name' where the first parameter is an object, and each property name of the object matches the corresponding parameter name.
Name Type Description
app object The ExpressJS app object that was passed from the SignalK server to the plugin factory function
id string Uniquely identifies this plugin. Usually in the form "signalk-some-plugin"
name string Human readable name/title of this plugin
description string A brief description of what this plugin does



Outputs a debug message for this plugin. The message will be visible on the console if DEBUG environment variable is set to this plugin's id.
Name Type Description
msg string The message to display on the console output

elapsedSecs(t1, t2opt)

Returns the number of whole seconds that have elapsed between time t1 and time t2 (both assumed to be the UTC time retrieved via this.getTime()). If t2 is unspecified, the current time is assumed. If t1 is greater than t2, a negative number will be returned.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
t1 number A UTC millisecond value retrieved via this.getTime()
t2 number <optional>
this.getTime() A UTC millisecond value retrieved via this.getTime()

getSKBus(skPath, allContextsopt)

Returns a BaconJS stream that produces the deltas for the specified SignalK path. If allContexts is specified as TRUE, the bus will be for ALL contexts. Otherwise, that data will be restricted to "self" (i.e. data for the boat's "self" context)
Name Type Attributes Default Description
skPath string The SK path to receive, or unspecified for ALL data
allContexts boolean <optional>
false TRUE to get ALL vessels data. unspecified or FALSE implies you want just the data for the current vessel.


Similar to getSKBus() except the data producsed by the BaconJS stream will be limited to the "value" property of the data, vs. the entire delta.
Name Type Description
skPath string The SK path to receive, or unspecified for ALL data


Returns the current time in milliseconds. Call this whenever the current time is needed. External unit tests may monkey patch this method to return a simulated time of day while the tests are running.


Called once the plugin has started and all options have been resolved. Normally, this creates the BaconJS data streams and properties used by this plugin and subscribes to them.
  • start


Called when the plugin is to stop running.
  • stop

optBool(propName, title, defaultValopt, isArrayopt, longDescriptionopt)

Defines a boolean configuration option that the user can set. The specified propName will appear as a property in this._schema, and will have a default value of defaultVal.

This method may be called the normal way by using parameter positions to specify your option definition, or alternatively using a pseudo 'call by name' where the first parameter is an object, and each property name of the object matches the corresponding parameter name.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
propName string The name of the property variable used for this option
title string A label that describes this option (short form)
defaultVal boolean <optional>
false The default value to use for this option
isArray boolean <optional>
false TRUE if this option is actually an array of booleans
longDescription string <optional>
An optional long description of this option

optInt(propName, title, defaultValopt, isArrayopt, longDescriptionopt, requiredopt)

Defines an interger configuration option that the user can set. The specified propName will appear as a property in this._schema, and will have a default value of defaultVal.

This method may be called the normal way by using parameter positions to specify your option definition, or alternatively using a pseudo 'call by name' where the first parameter is an object, and each property name of the object matches the corresponding parameter name.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
propName string The name of the property variable used for this option
title string A label that describes this option (short form)
defaultVal integer <optional>
0 The default value to use for this option
isArray boolean <optional>
false TRUE if this option is actually an array of integers
longDescription string <optional>
An optional long description of this option
required boolean <optional>
false If TRUE, this property must be given a positive non-zero value

optNum(propName, title, defaultValopt, isArrayopt, longDescriptionopt, requiredopt)

Defines a numeric configuration option that the user can set. The specified propName will appear as a property in this._schema, and will have a default value of defaultVal.

This method may be called the normal way by using parameter positions to specify your option definition, or alternatively using a pseudo 'call by name' where the first parameter is an object, and each property name of the object matches the corresponding parameter name.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
propName string The name of the property variable used for this option
title string A label that describes this option (short form)
defaultVal number <optional>
0 The default value to use for this option
isArray boolean <optional>
false TRUE if this option is actually an array of numbers
longDescription string <optional>
An optional long description of this option
required boolean <optional>
false If TRUE, this property must be given a positive non-zero value

optObj(propName, title, isArrayopt, longDescriptionopt, itemTitleopt)

Defines configuration option that is itself an object of other properties that the user can set. The specified propName will appear as a property in this._schema. Once this method is called, all other calls to the optXXX() definition methods will place those properties in this object. This will continue until optObjEnd() is called. You MUST call optObjEnd() when the object definition has been completed.

This method may be called the normal way by using parameter positions to specify your option definition, or alternatively using a pseudo 'call by name' where the first parameter is an object, and each property name of the object matches the corresponding parameter name.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
propName string The name of the property variable used for this option
title string A label that describes this option (short form)
isArray boolean <optional>
false TRUE if this option is actually an array of the defined object
longDescription string <optional>
An optional long description of this option
itemTitle string <optional>
If the isArray param is TRUE, this is the optional title of an individual element in the array.
  • optObjEnd


Call this method to end the definition of an object property.
  • optObj

optStr(propName, title, defaultValopt, isArrayopt, longDescriptionopt, requiredopt)

Defines a string configuration option that the user can set. The specified propName will appear as a property in this._schema, and will have a default value of defaultVal.

This method may be called the normal way by using parameter positions to specify your option definition, or alternatively using a pseudo 'call by name' where the first parameter is an object, and each property name of the object matches the corresponding parameter name.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
propName string The name of the property variable used for this option
title string A label that describes this option (short form)
defaultVal string <optional>
'' The default value to use for this option
isArray boolean <optional>
false TRUE if this option is actually an array of strings
longDescription string <optional>
An optional long description of this option
required boolean <optional>
false If TRUE, this property must be given a non-blank value


Restarts this plugin by calling the "restartPlugin" function that was passed to the start() method.


Returns a Json Schema that defines the user configurable options that this plugin utilizes. You can define the value of this schema by calling the various optXXX() methods in this class, or you can define the Json schema manually and assign it to the this._schema variable. A third alternative is to override this method in your derived class and have it return the Json Schema in any way you see fit.

sendSK(skPath, value)

Sends a single value SignalK delta thru the server and out to all external subscribers. To send more than one value at a time, use sendSKValues()
Name Type Description
skPath string The SignalK path that corresponds to the value
value any The actual value to send out


Sends the specified array of path value objects as a SignalK delta thru the server and out to all external subscribers.
Name Type Description
values array An array of one or more objects with each element being in the format { path: "signal.k.path", value: "someValue" }


Used to indicate an error has occurred in the pluging. The specified msg will appear on the server admin app
Name Type Description
msg string


Sets the status of this plugin, placing msg on the server admin app.
Name Type Description
msg string


Called when the plugin starts. Descendant classes can override, but should call super.start() if they do. Overriding is normally not necessary as extensions to this method are generally placed in onPluginStarted()
  • onPluginStarted


Called when the plugin stops. Cleanup occurs here, including unsubscribing from any data paths. If you override this, be sure to call super.stop(). Extensions are usually instead placed in onPluginStopped().
  • onPluginStopped

subscribeVal(strm, f, selfopt)

'Subscribes' function f to the stream strm, adding its 'unsubscribe' function to the unsub list.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
strm Bacon.Stream
f function Any function or method from an object. If f is a method from an object other than 'this', be sure to pass the self parameter.
self object <optional>
this Option parameter to specify the 'this' object that f should be bound to. Self must be specified if f is a method of an object other than 'this' plugin object.

wildcardEq(testVal, matchVal)

Returns TRUE if the specified test value matches the specified matchVal. An empty matchVal is a wildcard that matches any value of testVal. This method is useful for matching optional configuration values to stream filters.
Name Type Description
testVal string The current value you are testing
matchVal string The value testVal is to match. If matchVal is empty, testvVal ALWAYS matches
TRUE if testVal == matchVal, or if matchVal is empty/blank